Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Right Island for Freelancers!

  Freelancing means not just work from home, but setting up an entrepreneurship too. It is exciting to visualise working in your own timing at your favourite places. Having a posture that is difficult to be named as sitting or laying on your favourite couch, drinking your favourite flavoured tea and enjoying the art on your Cintiq or the tablet. Lovely isn't it? But it is equally scary to get enough work to pay your bills and making some savings for your next Himalayan trip.

  Either you are a superstar, already worked with many teams in Industry and built a huge network to get workflow OR you are a good online seller of yourself. There is no another choice to be in this field. The first option is being enjoyed by only experienced freelancers who don't need to look into this post. But the majority of Freelancers are fighters. Here the third parties come for the help. You need to depend on the Freelance portals like,,, etc. etc. And the most of them are work provider centric not Artist-centric. To get the work, we need to register with a monthly fee, get into bids and win the bids. And unfortunately, there are people who are willing to lend their skill set for really peanuts!! It is disappointing for a professional artist to be forced to work for a cheap rate which neither justifies your skillset nor satisfy your needs.

 Toptal Freelance Visual Designers Community brings a difference here. You, as an artist have complete control. It lets you decide if you want to work hourly, part-time or full-time, and you set your own rates so you’ll never be stuck in a bidding war. What’s perhaps best for freelancers is that Toptal also screens clients!! you’ll always have a steady supply of interesting projects and clients who appreciate the value of your work. The most interesting feature is the screening process of Toptal. It's very simple but digs in depth. I found Toptel community more safe and strong and recommended for anyone who wants to check the reliable way to get business.

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